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  • Can anyone get married in Argentina, even foreigners?


Yes. Argentina is the only country in the world where both residents and non-residents can get married legally.


  • Even if same-sex individuals intend to get married?


Yes. This law was mostly enacted to approve of equal marriage. Not only for native Argentinians but for anyone in the world who want to come to Argentina to get married legally and officially, and obtain international acknowledgment.


  • Let me get this straight: neither I nor my partner are Argentinian. We've never even been to Argentina. We do not have Argentinian relatives. In fact, we do not know anything about it. Can we still get married considering we are a same-sex couple?


Yes. That is correct. Argentina approves of and encourages equal marriage within a legal framework aimed at ensuring the protection of individual rights. Argentina belongs to a small group of (nineteen) countries where equal marriage is legal. Out of those countries, only in Argentina are non-residents and tourists allowed to get married. It is not necessary to have any relatives or to have visited the country before. Additionally, anyone can get married notwithstanding the law governing the native country of the spouses.

In Argentina anyone who wants to get married can actually do it.


  • My partner and I do not speak Spanish. Is that a problem? Do we need to speak English?


The language is not a problem. We have sworn certified translators in every language who will be present during the ceremony to act as a link between you and the judge.


  • Are there taxes or charges to be added to the prices listed in the "Programs" section?


Absolutely NOT. The listed prices are final and they include any and all taxes. You will not need to spend anything extra. Each program includes everything as described.


  • What is the method of payment?


Once the date for the ceremony has been set, you will be required to deposit or transfer 25% of the value of the selected program to our bank account. Within 48 hours you will be emailed the details, the vouchers and the hotel reservations in your name plus the details of any other services requested. Once in Buenos Aires and after you've checked in at the hotel, we will pick you up and you will come by our office, where we will hand you the program details, welcome gifts and you will pay the remaining 75%.


  • How long in advance of the ceremony do we need to arrive in Argentina?


Five (5) working days before the ceremony you will have to show up at the Civil Registry Office to subscribe the required administrative forms (we will go with you and show you how to proceed step by step) and submit your documentation.


  • Can we choose the date of our wedding?


You may choose the week when you want to get married, and of course a preferential day and time. As a result of the heavy demand, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to get married on the exact date and time selected by you, but we do assure you that within the week of your preference you'll be married.


  • What are your duties and ours?​


The very first procedures should be initiated thirty (30) days before the ceremony. We complete all the required forms for you and submit them at the appropriate offices. We apply for the date, time and venue for the wedding ceremony. We arrange for someone to wait for you at the airport upon your arrival and we take you to the hotel, both of which services are included in the program.

Your only duty is to enjoy the program and your stay in Buenos Aires, and to show up at the Civil Registry Office (we will be there with you and tell you how to proceed step by step) five (5) days before the ceremony to subscribe the routine documentation.


  • Are there any risks involved or any reason why they would deny us the right to get married?


Absolutely not. The law is very clear, it is officially approved and it has been in full force and effect since 2010. Not once has a wedding been denied or prohibited. Not for locals or for tourists. Or for gay or straight marriages either.


  • Do we need to stay in Argentina for any specific time after the ceremony?


No. At the ceremony you will receive your marriage certificate and after that you will be free to do as you please. IMPORTANT: Please, do not forget that some of the programs include an exclusive dinner on your wedding night and/or a stay at a deluxe hotel room on your wedding night.


  • What happens and what is the cost in case the couple or one of them is divorced?


In case you are divorced (one of you or the couple), the total cost of the package chosen increases 300 US dollars because of the previous and obligatory procedures to follow as the Argentinian law commands in respect to gay marriage. This procedures are the translation and legalization of the marriage and divorce certificate requested to the couple from their natural country.

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